Monday, November 15, 2010

Vegan MoFo: Road Trip Begins

How does the vegan and so forth family take a road trip?

We have to take plenty of car snacks. Not just because we can't buy them readily in gas stations, etc.; they're also important to have around to keep the kids happy and quiet.

My Mom actually put this huge snack bag together for us. She started out buying a "few" things, and she kept adding to it until the bag was stuffed full of vegan goodness. My Mom isn't a vegan by any means, but by nature, she doesn't like to see anybody go hungry. (She also bought us more than enough gloves and hats, etc. because just as much as she wouldn't want us to be hungry...she also doesn't want us to be cold.)

There are nut butters, raisins, freeze-dried fruit crisps, boom CHOCO boom bars (This was the first time I'd had these; they're good! And there's a 75 cents on 2 coupon on the link.), Clif twists, other fruit leather, gogo Squeez applesauce, Snackimals, Tofurky Jerky, dried mango, Annie's bunny fruit snacks, and granola bars, etc. Thank you, Momma!

We also brought baby carrots, broccoli, carob chips, oranges, Brazil nuts, apples, trail mix, grapes, and sandwich fixings.

We stopped at The Wild Cow in Nashville for lunch (review forthcoming) and planned on eating our sandwich stuff that evening. I'm glad our GPS wasn't right! Even though I knew we were on a road at this point, it still kind of freaked me out a little bit.

We got a little bit off "schedule," (Ryan got off work late Fri. night and then our car started acting a little funny Saturday...took it to the auto shop in Nashville - long story short: we are now void of car air conditioning) and we weren't able to make it to any of the Virginia attractions we'd planned on visiting (so hopefully we will on the way back!). The kids needed to get out of the car somewhere so we pulled off around the Great Smoky Mountains and found a little place by Douglas Lake. They ran, threw rocks, etc., and...

we ate a "picnic," standing by the car: Tofurky deli slices on Men's Bread with mustard (purchased at a local gas station because we forgot to bring ours), rice cheese, and salad mix plus broccoli on the side.

A little shout out to my pink knife. I love it because it has the blade cover, so I can just throw it in the food bag. And it's pink!


  1. that little pink knife would come in handy. good thinking!

    sorry about the ac, its too cold over there to need it though right? its getting cooler here but VERY slowly. we're still wearing shorts..and using ac.

    did you make a pie using lecithin awhile back??

  2. Looks like you're well stocked with food which should keep the kids happy, and I've always said that the key to traveling with kids is lots of food in the car. And knowing when to stop and let them run. Have a safe trip.

  3. Aren't moms the best?
    Have a great trip - I hope everything goes smoothly and you come across a magical vegan gas station that carries rice cheese in case you run out.
    P.S. - you won the cookbook giveaway, it'll be waiting for you when you return.

  4. Sounds like you guys are making the best of any bumps along the way. Love that you packed up snacks and meals. Makes traveling so much healthier and less stressful in my opinion.

  5. That pink knife with a cover looks like it would come in very handy. I always bring my Swiss Army Knife, and then I chuckle that the main use my Swiss Army Knife is getting is cutting open avocados. Have fun on your road trip!

  6. Love the bag of food. It is good to know we aren't the only ones that do that. LOL

    I have two of those knives with covers for the same reason. Great minds....

    Bummer on the AC problem. At least it is cold where you are heading.

    Enjoy your trip.


  7. Wow...your mom hooked you guys up! That was so sweet of her!

    So you were in my neck of the woods the other night...:o) Where did you guys stay?

    I love the pink knife...I think I need one of those!

    I hope you guys have a fun and safe trip. Hopefully no more issues with the car!

  8. I see my favorite peanut butter in your snack bag there! Love the pink too! :)

  9. There's always something that goes wrong along a road trip ... hope you're past the worst of it. I'll be driving 11 hrs to Philadelphia in December - I think I'll want everything on your mom's shopping list! So good to be prepared.

    What a great photo by the lake.

  10. Thanks for the coupon link..just printed it. We love our chocolate.

    It's important to keep food in the belly on the road, for me, it prevents carsickness.

    That knife protector is great. I've seen those but didn't think about them for travel use.

  11. Ahh, another blogger friend of mine, Amanda at Hungry Vegan Traveler, ate at Wild Cow mere DAYS ago! She said they had RAW German chocolate cake - swoon!

  12. What a great, supportive mom you have! No a/c? Bummer! Hopefully, you guys will stay comfortable. I've never heard of Men's Bread - does Whole Foods have it? Have fun!!!!

  13. Sorry to hear about your car trouble! But looks like you're eating well at any rate! Have fun!
